June 27, 2011
Dear Family and Friends,
The Zone conference was very good. President Howard gave individual blessings to all of the missionaries, including the senior couples. It was a great experience. He brought Sister Howard over to the conference in order for her to bear her testimony and say goodbye to all of us. There were quite a few missionaries that have never met her since she has been sick for the past 3 months. It was nice to see the new missionaries crowd around her to meet her and express their love for her.
We have been blessed lately with our activation efforts. We take absolutely no credit for this but there were 120 members in attendance at Sacrament Meeting this past Sunday. We were excited when they almost ran out of bread for the Sacrament. The counselor in the Branch Presidency told me that he brought half of a loaf of bread and when he asked the young men where it was if they would need it, they said that they ate it! (teenage boys are the same all over the world). We love these people – even the Sacrament bread won’t go to waste.
We attended a Family History training session on Saturday evening that was exceptional. The new Family History Specialist for the District has worked hard to make this training possible. He made a book for each consultants and also had all of the forms, handouts, training sessions and other information downloaded on a CD for the consultants to use. It was every bit as good as some of the professional training sessions. This young man is so dedicated that he quit his job (he still lives at home) so he could spend the time he needed to get the Family History programs working in the district. Remarkable! Mom was asked at the spur of the moment to teach one of the points in the program. She did great and we have been asked to come to one of the branches next Thursday to help with their training for Relief Society Enrichment. Fun!
Monday night’s Family Home Evening went well. The storm held off long enough for us to have dinner and a lesson. As we took the Elders to the Jeepney Terminal the rain began again. Four of the six companionships ( 5 missionaries) were affected in this last transfer. We were able to talk about Priesthood keys again with all of the new missionaries in the Zone. We have felt that our Filipino elders need to understand more about the priesthood since they will become leaders in their branches and wards soon after they return home. There was a good spirit in our home. We had Sister Briones make some brownies for the dessert. When Mom brought out the brownies and then went and got some milk, the Elders began saying, “We can have milk too? Oh, Sister Morgan thank you, thank you!” We love to have the missionaries in our home.
Well, the work continues to move forward. We are excited to see the changes in peoples’ lives. It is so wonderful to work with these humble Filipinos. We will never be the same because of what we have experienced. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem real. July 1st we will begin our 11th month here in country. Where does the time go?
Hope this letter finds everyone healthy and happy. We love you and miss you. Write if you have time. We love to hear from you. We pray for each of you every day and hope that you are living to be happy. Remember to BE good, DO good, and BE a man or woman of Christ. And always remember to say your prayers.
Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Janene and Grant
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